Background & aim: Traumatic experiences (TEs) are a risk factor for behavioral and substance addictions (SBAs). However, the role of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (cPTSD) deserves further elucidation. The present study assesses the association between different types of TEs on cannabis, alcohol, gambling, and problematic internet use in late adolescents. Furthermore, this study aims at evaluating the role of PTSD and cPTSD as potential mediators.
Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted on one thousand ten late adolescents (510 males, 498 females; age: mean = 18.7, SD = 0.65). Data regarding intentional (iTEs) and unintentional TEs (uTEs), cannabis, alcohol, gambling and problematic use of the internet (PIU), PTSD, and cPTSD were collected. Association between TEs, SBAs, and PTSD/cPTSD symptoms were explored by means of logistic regressions. Mediation was assessed using a path analysis.
Results: uTEs were associated with cannabis use (OR = 1.34 [1.13,1.59]) and alcohol use (OR = 1.21 [1.10,1.35]), iTEs were associated with cannabis use (OR = 1.15 [1.06,1.25]), alcohol use (OR = 1.08 [1.02,1.13]), and PIU (OR = 1.17 [1.10,1.24]). PTSD was associated with alcohol use (OR = 1.59 [1.03,2.46]) and PIU (OR = 1.92 [1.18,3.13]). cPTSD was associated with cannabis use (OR = 3.54 [1.56,8.04]) and PIU (OR = 5.13 [2.71,9.70]). cPTSD mediated 58.75% of the total effect of iTEs on cannabis. Regarding PIU, PTSD mediated 68.18% of the effect of uTEs; the effect of iTEs on PIU was mediated by 65.5% via cPTSD and 34.45% via PTSD.
Conclusion: cPTSD and SBAs show a complex pattern of association. A thorough assessment of stress-related conditions, including cPTSD, is of pivotal importance in treating SBAs.
Keywords: Alcohol; Cannabis; Gambling; PTSD; Problematic use of internet; cPTSD.
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