Pastures are used for grazing and the production of conserved roughage in horses. Yet, the nutritional profile of the forage varies from spring to late summer, affecting equine nutrient supply and health. In addition, environmental factors may also favor plant contaminants such as mycotoxins. This study aimed to determine the nutritional profile and contaminant load of selected horse pastures from early spring till late summer. The nutrient composition (main macronutrients, macro elements and trace elements), as well as mycotoxins, metabolites, pesticides, and plant-derived compounds of seven horse pastures were analyzed. Each pasture was sampled three times and the samples were categorized according to the status of the pasture plants: ear emergence, early- till full bloom, and drought-damaged vegetation. Drought-damaged pastures demonstrated a rise in the acid to neutral detergent fiber ratio, calcium, iron, and magnesium but lower potassium contents. Mycotoxins and other contaminants were found in the pastures including 64 fungal compounds (ergot alkaloids (13) and metabolites from Fusarium (21), Aspergillus (2), Penicillium (8), Alternaria (8) and other fungal species (12), one bacterial metabolite (cereulide), twelve plant metabolites (including eight phytoestrogens and three cyanogenic glycosides (linamarin, lotaustralin and prunasin)), 11 nonspecific metabolites and six pesticides. Fusarium metabolites showed the highest concentrations among the fungal metabolites and drought-induced stress increased the contamination levels (range: 123-3873 µg/kg DM). In conclusion, there was a dominant effect of the developmental stages of the plants, botanical composition of the pastures and weather conditions on the nutritional composition and presence of contaminants on pastures.
Keywords: Botanical Composition; Mycotoxins; Nutritional Profile; Pasture; Phytoestrogens; Season.
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