Dendritic cells (DCs) orchestrate T cell responses by presenting antigenic peptides on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and providing costimulation and other instructive signals. Professional antigen presenting cells (APCs), including DCs, are uniquely capable of generating and presenting peptide antigens derived from exogenous proteins. In addition to these canonical cross-presentation and MHC-II presentation pathways, APCs can also display exogenous peptide/MHC (p/MHC) acquired from neighboring cells and extracellular vesicles (EVs). This process, known as MHC cross-dressing, has been implicated in the regulation of T cell responses in a variety of in vivo contexts, including allogeneic solid organ transplantation, tumors, and viral infection. Although the occurrence of MHC cross-dressing has been clearly demonstrated, the importance of this antigen presentation mechanism continues to be elucidated. The contribution of MHC cross-dressing to overall antigen presentation has been obfuscated by the fact that DCs express the same MHC alleles as all other cells in the host, making it difficult to distinguish p/MHC generated within the DC from p/MHC acquired from another cell. As a result, much of what is known about MHC cross-dressing comes from studies using allogeneic organ transplantation and bone marrow chimeric mice, though recent development of mice bearing conditional knockout MHC and β2-microglobulin alleles should facilitate substantial progress in the coming years. In this review, we highlight recent advances in our understanding of MHC cross-dressing and its role in activating T cell responses in various contexts, as well as the experimental insights into the mechanism by which it occurs.
Keywords: Antigen presentation; MHC cross-dressing.
Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier Inc.