Particleboards with different combinations of the adhesive material imidazole, citric acid, and sorbitol were produced. Softwood sawdust from a Swedish sawmill was mixed with an aqueous solution of the chemicals and then dried to 0% moisture content prior to pressing. The boards were pressed to a target density of 700 kg m-3 at either 200 °C or 220 °C for 10 min. The hygroscopic and mechanical properties of the boards were clearly better at 220 °C than 200 °C for all used chemical combinations. A combination of imidazole (14.4 wt%) and citric acid (11.3 wt%) led to the best results, where the thickness swelling after 24 h of water immersion was 6.3% and the internal bonding strength was 0.57 MPa. The modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity were 3.3 MPa and 1.1 GPa, respectively. Cyclic accelerated weathering showed exceptional stability with a thickness change after boiling and drying of only 2.1% compared to the initial dry thickness. This study indicates that the presence of imidazole leads to greatly improved hygroscopic properties and good internal bonding strength when used in particleboards.
Keywords: adhesion; citric acid; esterification; ionic liquids; wood composite.