Steam methane reforming (SMR) currently supplies 76% of the world's hydrogen (H2) demand, totaling ∼70 million tonnes per year. Developments in H2 production technologies are required to meet the rising demand for cleaner, less costly H2. Therefore, palladium membrane reactors (Pd-MR) have received significant attention for their ability to increase the efficiency of traditional SMR. This study performs novel economic analyses and constrained, nonlinear optimizations on an intensified SMR process with a Pd-MR. The optimization extends beyond the membrane's operation to present process set points for both the conventional and intensified H2 processes. Despite increased compressor and membrane capital costs along with electric utility costs, the SMR-MR design offers reductions in the natural gas usage and annual costs. Economic comparisons between each plant show Pd membrane costs greater than $25 000/m2 are required to break even with the conventional design for membrane lifetimes of 1-3 years. Based on the optimized SMR-MR process, this study concludes with sensitivity analyses on the design, operational, and cost parameters for the intensified SMR-MR process. Overall, with further developments of Pd membranes for increased stability and lifetime, the proposed SMR-MR design is thus profitable and suitable for intensification of H2 production.
© 2023 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.