Objective: Rapid progression of COVID-19 pneumonia may put patients at risk of requiring ventilatory support, such as non-invasive mechanical ventilation or endotracheal intubation. Implementing tools that detect COVID-19 pneumonia can improve the patient's healthcare. We aim to evaluate the efficacy and efficiency of the artificial intelligence (AI) tool GE Healthcare's Thoracic Care Suite (featuring Lunit INSIGHT CXR, TCS) to predict the ventilatory support need based on pneumonic progression of COVID-19 on consecutive chest X-rays.
Methods: Outpatients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, with chest X-ray (CXR) findings probable or indeterminate for COVID-19 pneumonia, who required a second CXR due to unfavorableclinical course, were collected. The number of affected lung fields for the two CXRs was assessed using the AI tool.
Results: One hundred fourteen patients (57.4±14.2 years, 65-57%-men) were retrospectively collected. Fifteen (13.2%) required ventilatory support. Progression of pneumonic extension ≥0.5 lung fields per day compared to pneumonia onset, detected using the TCS tool, increased the risk of requiring ventilatory support by 4-fold. Analyzing the AI output required 26s of radiological time.
Conclusions: Applying the AI tool, Thoracic Care Suite, to CXR of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia allows us to anticipate ventilatory support requirements requiring less than half a minute.
Keywords: AI (artificial intelligence); Biomedical technology; COVID 19; COVID-19; Coronavirus; IA (inteligencia artificial); Prognoses; Pronósticos; Radiografía; Radiography; Tecnología biomédica.
Copyright © 2023 SERAM. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.