Background: The International Dermatology Outcome Measures (IDEOM) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of evidence-based, consensus-driven outcome measures in dermatological diseases. Researchers and stakeholders from various backgrounds collaborate to develop these objective benchmark metrics to further advance treatment and management of dermatological conditions.
Summary: The 2022 IDEOM Annual Meeting was held on June 17-18, 2022. Leaders and stakeholders from the hidradenitis suppurativa, acne, vitiligo, actinic keratosis, alopecia areata, itch, cutaneous lymphoma, and psoriatic disease workgroups discussed the progress of their respective outcome-measures research. This report summarizes each workgroup's updates from 2022 and their next steps as established during the 2022 IDEOM Annual Meeting. J Drugs Dermatol. 2023;22(12):1153-1159 doi:10.36849/JDD.7615.