Dynamic Models Identification for Kinematics and Energy Consumption of Rotary-Wing UAVs during Different Flight States

Sensors (Basel). 2023 Nov 24;23(23):9378. doi: 10.3390/s23239378.


This article presents the method of identifying dynamic models for different flight states of a rotary-wing UAV for simulations. Experimental flights with real-life UAVs were conducted to obtain data necessary for identification. Dynamic models were identified with time series methods performed using Matlab R2022b software. Such models can later be implemented in simulations to represent the behavior of real-life objects. Simulation is the first stage of developing a real-life UAV system, where prototyping with physical models is problematic. Therefore, obtaining accurate models is crucial for the simulation process to be reliable. Presented methods do not require knowledge of UAV construction, and complex mathematical equations do not need to be derived. Also, verification of obtained models was performed to make sure that they were identified correctly. In particular, the presented method was proven effective and successfully used in some applications.

Keywords: UAV; dynamic models; identification; simulation.