HCV genotype 3b is a difficult-to-treat subtype, associated with accelerated progression of liver disease and resistance to antivirals. Moreover, its prevalence has significantly increased among persons who inject drugs posing a serious risk of transmission in the general population. Thus, more genetic information and antiviral testing systems are required to develop novel therapeutic options for this genotype 3 subtype. We determined the complete genomic sequence and complexity of three genotype 3b isolates, which will be beneficial to study its biology and evolution. Furthermore, we developed a full-length in vivo infectious cDNA clone of genotype 3b and showed its robustness and genetic stability in human-liver chimeric mice. This is, to our knowledge the first reported infectious cDNA clone of HCV genotype 3b and will provide a valuable tool to evaluate antivirals and neutralizing antibodies in vivo, as well as in the development of infectious cell culture systems required for further research.
Keywords: HCV; RAS; genotype 3b; hepatitis C virus; human-liver chimeric mice; in vivo infectious cDNA clone; resistance-associated substitutions.