Introduction and objective: Various types of social media (SM) have recently played a huge role in shaping the world and one's self-esteem. Previous research on this issue has shown that frequent use of MS leads to the creation of unrealistic body image ideals. Time spent on SM is sometimes associated with increased body dissatisfaction, which could negatively affect sex life.
Objective: The aim of this STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies)-compliant cross-sectional and web-based study was to determine the relationship between MS use by young women in Poland and various aspects of their sexuality, such as self-perception, self-esteem, and satisfaction with their sex lives.
Material and methods: A group of 1,258 young women aged 18-35 who use SM completed an online survey containing questions about socio-demographic data, SM use and questionnaires: Self-Esteem and Appearance Scale (BESAA), Self-Awareness of Own Body Scale (BISC) Women's Sexual Satisfaction Scale (SSS-W).
Results: There was a significant relationship between time spent in SM and women's self-perception (p<0.001). The longer the time spent on SM, the lower the evaluation of one's own body, as well as lower satisfaction with sexual life (p=0.013). Comparing oneself and being compared to those seen on SM, significantly predicts the level of satisfaction with body evaluation and appearance (p<0.001), body image disturbance (p<0.001), and sexual satisfaction (p<0.001), significantly explains the final score of the BESAA (20%), BISC (16.2%) and SSS-W (4%) scales.
Conclusions: The study revealed the need to raise awareness among young women about the negative impact of SM on self-esteem and body image. It is necessary to educate how much self-esteem and sexual satisfaction are affected by the phenomenon of comparing oneself to influencers seen on SM, as well as being compared by others.
Keywords: Instagram; relationship; self-esteem; sexual life; sexual satisfaction; social media; women.