Protective impacts of Artemisia annua against hepatic toxicity induced by gentamicin

Toxicol Res (Camb). 2023 Dec 27;13(1):tfad121. doi: 10.1093/toxres/tfad121. eCollection 2024 Feb.


The current study aimed to investigate the ameliorative effects of Artemisia annua (RA) extract on hepatic toxicity induced by gentamicin injection mice. Sixteen mice were divided into four groups; the control group received saline, the second group received 1% A. annua (RA) extract, third group injected 80 mg/kg gentamicin (GEN) intraperitoneally. The protective group treated with a combination of GEN and A. annua. All mice were treated for consecutive 15 days. Results confirmed that hepatic biomarkers (GPT, GCT, GOT, IL-6 and IL-1β), all were altered after gentamycin injection. The histological analysis confirmed that gentamycin injected mice showed portal vein congestion, micro and macro steatosis, and nuclear pyknosis of hepatocytes. The protective group showed intact central vein with less microsteatosis of some hepatocytes. Immunochemistry analysis confirmed that the immunoreactivity of COX-2 gene showed negative impact in examined groups. Unlike, NF-κB gene exhibited diffuse positive expression in the gentamicin group. TGF-β1 immunoreactivity was mild positive in control and highly upregulated in gentamicin treated mice, all were normalized after RA administration. In conclusion, RA showed a beneficial impact against gentamycin induced hepatic toxicity at cellular and biochemical levels by regulating proteins and inflammatory markers associated with liver activity.

Keywords: Artemisia annua (RA); Gentamicin (GM); histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis; liver dysfunction.