Introduction: The transorbital route has been proposed for addressing orbital and paramedian skull base lesions. It can be complemented by further marginotomies, as per "extended-transorbital approach" and combined with others ventro-basal approaches featuring the concept of "multiportal surgery". Nevertheless, it cannot address some anatomical regions like the clinoid, carotid bifurcation and the Sylvian fissure. Therefore, we propose a combined transorbital and a supraorbital approach, attainable by a single infra-brow incision, and we called it "Uniportal multicorridor" approach.
Research question: The aim of our study is to verify its feasibility and deep anatomical targets through a cadaveric study.
Materials and methods: Anatomic dissections were performed at the Laboratory of ICLO Teaching and Research Center (Verona, Italy) on four formalin-fixed cadaveric heads injected with colored neoprene latex (8 sides). A stepwise dissection of the supraorbital and transorbital approaches (with an infra-brow skin incision) to the anterior tentorial incisura, clinoid area, lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, middle temporal fossa, posterior fossa, and Sylvian fissure is described.
Results: We analyzed the anatomic areas reached by the transorbital corridor dividing them as follow: lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, middle temporal fossa, posterior fossa, and Sylvian fissure; while the anatomic areas addressed by the supraorbital craniotomy were the clinoid area and the anterior tentorial incisura.
Conclusions: The described uniportal multi-corridor approach combines a transorbital corridor and a supraorbital craniotomy, providing a unique intra and extradural control over the anterior, middle, and posterior fossa, tentorial incisura and the Sylvian fissure, via an infra-brow skin incision.
Keywords: Anatomy; Endoscopic transorbital approach; Endoscopy; Multicorridor approach; Skull base; Supraorbital approach; Transorbital approach.
© 2023 The Authors.