The precision medicine initiative has driven a substantial change in the way scientists and health care practitioners think about diagnosing and treating disease. While it has long been recognized that drug response is determined by the intersection of genetic, environmental, and disease factors, improvements in technology have afforded precision medicine guided dosing of drugs to improve efficacy and reduce toxicity. Pharmacometabolomics aims to evaluate small molecule metabolites in plasma and/or urine to help evaluate mechanisms that predict and/or reflect drug efficacy and toxicity. In this mini review, we provide an overview of pharmacometabolomic approaches and methodologies. Relevant examples where metabolomic techniques have been used to better understand drug efficacy and toxicity in major depressive disorder and cancer chemotherapy are discussed. In addition, the utility of metabolomics in drug development and understanding drug metabolism, transport, and pharmacokinetics is reviewed. Pharmacometabolomic approaches can help describe factors mediating drug disposition, efficacy, and toxicity. While important advancements in this area have been made, there remain several challenges that must be overcome before this approach can be fully implemented into clinical drug therapy. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Pharmacometabolomics has emerged as an approach to identify metabolites that allow for implementation of precision medicine approaches to pharmacotherapy. This review article provides an overview of pharmacometabolomics including highlights of important examples.
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