This compelling case study unravels a tragic narrative of a 40-year-old male with Marfanoid habitus, navigating the intricate web of Marfan syndrome (MFS) and succumbing to the devastating complications of aortic dissection. The patient's journey underscores the challenges in managing this rare connective tissue disorder, emphasizing the critical interplay between genetic predisposition and cardiovascular pathology. Moreover, the lack of immediate operative intervention due to the critical condition emphasizes the crucial need for timely diagnosis and intervention. The journey from genetic mutation to cardiovascular complications in MFS or related marfanoid habitus is complex and multifaceted. This case study aims to navigate this intricate path, emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of the underlying molecular and structural changes. Furthermore, it reinforces the critical role of ongoing cardiovascular monitoring and surgical interventions to prolong survival and enhance the quality of life for individuals grappling with the challenges posed by MFS or related habitus.
Keywords: aortic dissection; cardiovascular complications; fibrillin 1; marfan syndrome; marfanoid habitus; sudden cardiac death.
Copyright © 2023, Toshniwal et al.