Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) has become one of the most popular recreational drugs in Europe. While N 2 O is often used in medical settings as an analgesic and anaesthetic agent, its recreational use was documented many years before its introduction into clinical practice. The desired effects from inhaling N 2 O for recreational purposes include rapid feelings of relaxation, calmness and euphoria, which can be accompanied by giddiness and laughter. There are various adverse effects associated with N 2 O use, including headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and the development of permanent neurological damage. Furthermore, its use is associated with cold burns and road accidents. This article details the case of a patient who sustained an N 2 O tank burn to his forearm from recreational use. It also discusses the prevalence, legal status and adverse effects of N 2 O use as well as the pathophysiology and management of cold burn injuries.
Keywords: burns; clinical; emergency care; emergency services; mental health; skin; substance misuse; wound care; wound management.
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