Intermolecular contributions, filtration effects and signal composition of SIFTER (single-frequency technique for refocusing)

Magn Reson (Gott). 2023 Jan 12;4(1):1-18. doi: 10.5194/mr-4-1-2023. eCollection 2023.


To characterize structure and molecular order in the nanometre range, distances between electron spins and their distributions can be measured via dipolar spin-spin interactions by different pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance experiments. Here, for the single-frequency technique for refocusing dipolar couplings (SIFTER), the buildup of dipolar modulation signal and intermolecular contributions is analysed for a uniform random distribution of monoradicals and biradicals in frozen glassy solvent by using the product operator formalism for electron spin S=1/2. A dipolar oscillation artefact appearing at both ends of the SIFTER time trace is predicted, which originates from the weak coherence transfer between biradicals. The relative intensity of this artefact is predicted to be temperature independent but to increase with the spin concentration in the sample. Different compositions of the intermolecular background are predicted in the case of biradicals and in the case of monoradicals. Our theoretical account suggests that the appropriate procedure of extracting the intramolecular dipolar contribution (form factor) requires fitting and subtracting the unmodulated part, followed by division by an intermolecular background function that is different in shape. This scheme differs from the previously used heuristic background division approach. We compare our theoretical derivations to experimental SIFTER traces for nitroxide and trityl monoradicals and biradicals. Our analysis demonstrates a good qualitative match with the proposed theoretical description. The resulting perspectives for a quantitative analysis of SIFTER data are discussed.