Improving cell-specific recombination using AAV vectors in the murine CNS by capsid and expression cassette optimization

Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2024 Jan 10;32(1):101185. doi: 10.1016/j.omtm.2024.101185. eCollection 2024 Mar 14.


The production of cell-type- and age-specific genetically modified mice is a powerful approach for unraveling unknown gene functions. Here, we present a simple and timesaving method that enables adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated cell-type- and age-specific recombination in floxed mice. To achieve astrocyte-specific recombination in floxed Ai14 reporter mice, we intravenously injected blood-brain barrier-penetrating AAV-PHP.eB vectors expressing Cre recombinase (Cre) using the astrocyte-specific mouse glial fibrillary acidic protein (mGfaABC1D) promoter. However, we observed nonspecific neuron-predominant transduction despite the use of an astrocyte-specific promoter. We speculated that subtle but continuous Cre expression in nonastrocytic cells triggers recombination, and that excess production of Cre in astrocytes inhibits recombination by forming Cre-DNA aggregates. Here, we resolved this paradoxical event by dividing a single AAV into two mGfaABC1D-promoter-driven AAV vectors, one expressing codon-optimized flippase (FlpO) and another expressing flippase recognition target-flanked rapidly degrading Cre (dCre), together with switching the neuron-tropic PHP.eB capsid to astrocyte-tropic AAV-F. Moreover, we found that the FlpO-dCre system with a target cell-tropic capsid can also function in neuron-targeting recombination in floxed mice.

Keywords: AAV-F; Ai14; PHP.eB; adeno-associated virus; astrocyte; cell-type–specific promoter; cre; floxed mouse; glial fibrillary acidic protein.