Invasive macrofauna influence the biophysical state and function of soil, helping to drive ecological changes over time. Many soil-dwelling invertebrates affect soil stability by facilitating or hindering the soil aggregation process, changing the availability of plant and soil organic matter (SOM) for aggregate incorporation, and shifting the predominant mechanisms by which carbon is incorporated into soil aggregates. Using mass fractionation and stable carbon isotope techniques, this 17-month experimental study examined silt-clay-loam mesocosms either infested or not infested with soil-dwelling larvae of the invasive Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman (JB). We hypothesized that larval root-herbivory would promote a pathway of large aggregate formation that features the mixing of digested root tissue with mineral soil and subsequent fecal deposition. These newly deposited, large soil aggregates will then grow by agglomeration of particles, thereby occluding a larger pool of fresh organic carbon, or be broken apart, exposing fresh organic inputs to microbial activity and mineralization processes, depending on soil conditions. Findings show a proportional increase of larger soil size fractions (2- 8 mm) in the rhizosphere of infested soil after 1½ life cycles of the beetle, but a decrease in the smaller soil size fractions (0.053-2 mm). In infested bulk surface soil (0-2.5 cm) carbon increased, primarily due to greater carbon content in the largest size fractions. Carbon also increased in all size fractions, although the proportion of total carbon in fractions was greater only in the largest fractions due to their greater relative abundance. There may also be an increase of microbially derived carbon in the largest size fractions, possibly indicating significant priming effects associated with JB larval herbivory. The implications of these findings for relative stabilization of the bulk surface soil carbon pool in JB-infested soil likely depends on the residence time of, and stable microaggregate formation within these large size fractions.
Keywords: Non-native species; Root herbivory; SOM; Soil aggregates; Soil carbon; Stable carbon isotopes.
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