Severe symptomatic carotid artery stenosis poses a significant risk for recurrent strokes. Best treatment options depend on multiple factors, including patient medical conditions and lesion characteristics.1 Despite treatment options such as carotid endarterectomy, conventional carotid angioplasty/stent, and transcervical carotid revascularization, certain patients are not ideal candidates for any of these modalities. Novel technical advances such as intravascular lithotripsy (Shockwave Medical Inc.) have emerged as a potential treatment modality to treat patients with severely calcified plaques, a well-described limitation for carotid stent expansion and apposition.2-4 The safety and efficacy of intravascular lithotripsy have been demonstrated through select case series and coronary artery disease I-II-III studies, culminating in its Food and Drug Administration approval for the management of novo, calcified, stenotic coronary arteries before stent placement.2,5 This technical video presents an illustrative case of a patient with symptomatic severely calcified carotid plaque with previous neck radiation precluding endarterectomy, treated with off-label use of balloon lithotripsy plus stent.6 The patient consented to the procedure.
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