Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the usability of a recently developed extracorporeally-perfused cadaver model for training the angiographic management of acute arterial diseases and periprocedural complications that may occur during endovascular therapy of the lower extremity arterial runoff.
Materials and methods: Continuous extracorporeal perfusion was established in three fresh-frozen body donors via inguinal and infragenicular access. Using digital subtraction angiography for guidance, both arterial embolization (e.g., embolization using coils, vascular plugs, particles, and liquid embolic agents) and endovascular recanalization procedures (e.g., manual aspiration or balloon-assisted embolectomy) as well as various embolism protection devices were tested. Furthermore, the management of complications during percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, such as vessel dissection and rupture, were exercised by implantation of endovascular dissection repair system or covered stents. Interventions were performed by two board-certified interventional radiologists and one resident with only limited angiographic experience.
Results: Stable extracorporeal perfusion was successfully established on both thighs of all three body donors. Digital subtraction angiography could be performed reliably and resulted in realistic artery depiction. The model allowed for repeatable training of endovascular recanalization and arterial embolization procedures with typical tactile feedback in a controlled environment. Furthermore, the handling of more complex angiographic devices could be exercised. Whereas procedural success was be ascertained for most endovascular interventions, thrombectomies procedures were not feasible in some cases due to the lack of inherent coagulation.
Conclusion: The presented perfusion model is suitable for practicing time-critical endovascular interventions in the lower extremity runoff under realistic but controlled conditions.
Copyright: © 2024 Hartung et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.