Bernal bilayer graphene hosts even-denominator fractional quantum Hall states thought to be described by a Pfaffian wave function with non-Abelian quasiparticle excitations. Here, we report the quantitative determination of fractional quantum Hall energy gaps in bilayer graphene using both thermally activated transport and by direct measurement of the chemical potential. We find a transport activation gap of 5.1 K at B=12 T for a half filled N=1 Landau level, consistent with density matrix renormalization group calculations for the Pfaffian state. However, the measured thermodynamic gap of 11.6 K is smaller than theoretical expectations for the clean limit by approximately a factor of 2. We analyze the chemical potential data near fractional filling within a simplified model of a Wigner crystal of fractional quasiparticles with long-wavelength disorder, explaining this discrepancy. Our results quantitatively establish bilayer graphene as a robust platform for probing the non-Abelian anyons expected to arise as the elementary excitations of the even-denominator state.