Systematic computational hunting for small RNAs derived from ncRNAs during dengue virus infection in endothelial HMEC-1 cells

Front Bioinform. 2024 Jan 31:4:1293412. doi: 10.3389/fbinf.2024.1293412. eCollection 2024.


In recent years, a population of small RNA fragments derived from non-coding RNAs (sfd-RNAs) has gained significant interest due to its functional and structural resemblance to miRNAs, adding another level of complexity to our comprehension of small-RNA-mediated gene regulation. Despite this, scientists need more tools to test the differential expression of sfd-RNAs since the current methods to detect miRNAs may not be directly applied to them. The primary reasons are the lack of accurate small RNA and ncRNA annotation, the multi-mapping read (MMR) placement, and the multicopy nature of ncRNAs in the human genome. To solve these issues, a methodology that allows the detection of differentially expressed sfd-RNAs, including canonical miRNAs, by using an integrated copy-number-corrected ncRNA annotation was implemented. This approach was coupled with sixteen different computational strategies composed of combinations of four aligners and four normalization methods to provide a rank-order of prediction for each differentially expressed sfd-RNA. By systematically addressing the three main problems, we could detect differentially expressed miRNAs and sfd-RNAs in dengue virus-infected human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. Although more biological evaluations are required, two molecular targets of the hsa-mir-103a and hsa-mir-494 (CDK5 and PI3/AKT) appear relevant for dengue virus (DENV) infections. Here, we performed a comprehensive annotation and differential expression analysis, which can be applied in other studies addressing the role of small fragment RNA populations derived from ncRNAs in virus infection.

Keywords: dengue virus; differential expression; multimapping problem; ncRNAs; small RNASeq; tRNA-derived fragments.

Grants and funding

The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The wet-lab experiments were funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation—Minciencias grant 111584466951, and CODI-UdeA 2020-34137. Data analysis was carried out using the equipment donated by the German Academic Exchange Service-DAAD and the Faculty of Science at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The first author was supported by the scholarship graduate program at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá Resolución 498-2015, Acta 13 23rd October 2015.