Glucoprivic feeding is one of several counterregulatory responses (CRRs) that facilitates restoration of euglycemia following acute glucose deficit (glucoprivation). Our previous work established that glucoprivic feeding requires ventrolateral medullary (VLM) catecholamine (CA) neurons that coexpress neuropeptide Y (NPY). However, the connections by which VLM CA/NPY neurons trigger increased feeding are uncertain. We have previously shown that glucoprivation, induced by an anti-glycolygic agent 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG), activates perifornical lateral hypothalamus (PeFLH) neurons and that expression of NPY in the VLM CA/NPY neurons is required for glucoprivic feeding. We therefore hypothesized that glucoprivic feeding and possibly other CRRs require NPY-sensitive PeFLH neurons. To test this, we used the ribosomal toxin conjugate NPY-saporin (NPY-SAP) to selectively lesion NPY receptor-expressing neurons in the PeFLH of male rats. We found that NPY-SAP destroyed a significant number of PeFLH neurons, including those expressing orexin, but not those expressing melanin-concentrating hormone. The PeFLH NPY-SAP lesions attenuated 2DG-induced feeding but did not affect 2DG-induced increase in locomotor activity, sympathoadrenal hyperglycemia, or corticosterone release. The 2DG-induced feeding response was also significantly attenuated in NPY-SAP-treated female rats. Interestingly, PeFLH NPY-SAP lesioned male rats had reduced body weights and decreased dark cycle feeding, but this effect was not seen in female rats. We conclude that a NPY projection to the PeFLH is necessary for glucoprivic feeding, but not locomotor activity, hyperglycemia, or corticosterone release, in both male and female rats.
Keywords: HAAF; NPY; NPY-SAP; glucoprivation; glucoprivic feeding; lateral hypothalamus.
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