Background: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is a main intervention to prevent and reduce childhood malaria. Since 2015, Guinea has implemented SMC targeting children aged 3-59 months (CU5) in districts with high and seasonal malaria transmission.
Objective: We assessed the programmatic impact of SMC in Guinea's context of scaled up malaria intervention programming by comparing malaria-related outcomes in 14 districts that had or had not been targeted for SMC.
Methods: Using routine health management information system data, we compared the district-level monthly test positivity rate (TPR) and monthly uncomplicated and severe malaria incidence for the whole population and disaggregated age groups (<5 years and ≥5 years of age). Changes in malaria indicators through time were analysed by calculating the district-level compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2014 to 2021; we used statistical analyses to describe trends in tested clinical cases, TPR, uncomplicated malaria incidence and severe malaria incidence.
Results: The CAGR of TPR of all age groups was statistically lower in SMC (median=-7.8%) compared with non-SMC (median=-3.0%) districts. Similarly, the CAGR in uncomplicated malaria incidence was significantly lower in SMC (median=1.8%) compared with non-SMC (median=11.5%) districts. For both TPR and uncomplicated malaria incidence, the observed difference was also significant when age disaggregated. The CAGR of severe malaria incidence showed that all age groups experienced a decline in severe malaria in both SMC and non-SMC districts. However, this decline was significantly higher in SMC (median=-22.3%) than in non-SMC (median=-5.1%) districts for the entire population, as well as both CU5 and people over 5 years of age.
Conclusion: Even in an operational programming context, adding SMC to the malaria intervention package yields a positive epidemiological impact and results in a greater reduction in TPR, as well as the incidence of uncomplicated and severe malaria in CU5.
Keywords: Control strategies; Malaria; Prevention strategies; Public Health.
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