Crystallizing galactocele is an uncommon condition that produces a viscous, chalky substance on fine needle aspiration cytology. (FNAC). Both the diagnosis and the management of this illness include the use of FNAC. Here, we discuss the case of a 25-year-old nursing woman who experienced left breast edema lump for two years. The upper outer quadrant of the leftt breast was involved by the hard, small, non-tender, and movable enlargement. The lesion's FNAC produced a thick, milky, and chalky substance. Numerous semi-transparent crystals of various sizes and shapes with angulated edges could be seen in cytological smears against a background of granular and amorphous proteinaceous material. A diagnosis of crystallizing galactocele was made on the basis of the patient's clinical history of lactation and characteristic cytological findings. Due to the rarity of this condition-to the best of our knowledge, less than ten cases of crystallizing galactocele have been documented in medical literature.
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