Acremonium sp. diglycosidase-aid chemical diversification: valorization of industry by-products

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2024 Mar 2;108(1):250. doi: 10.1007/s00253-023-12957-8.


The fungal diglycosidase α-rhamnosyl-β-glucosidase I (αRβG I) from Acremonium sp. DSM 24697 catalyzes the glycosylation of various OH-acceptors using the citrus flavanone hesperidin. We successfully applied a one-pot biocatalysis process to synthesize 4-methylumbellipheryl rutinoside (4-MUR) and glyceryl rutinoside using a citrus peel residue as sugar donor. This residue, which contained 3.5 % [w/w] hesperidin, is the remaining of citrus processing after producing orange juice, essential oil, and peel-juice. The low-cost compound glycerol was utilized in the synthesis of glyceryl rutinoside. We implemented a simple method for the obtention of glyceryl rutinoside with 99 % yield, and its purification involving activated charcoal, which also facilitated the recovery of the by-product hesperetin through liquid-liquid extraction. This process presents a promising alternative for biorefinery operations, highlighting the valuable role of αRβG I in valorizing glycerol and agricultural by-products. KEYPOINTS: • αRβG I catalyzed the synthesis of rutinosides using a suspension of OPW as sugar donor. • The glycosylation of aliphatic polyalcohols by the αRβG I resulted in products bearing a single rutinose moiety. • αRβG I catalyzed the synthesis of glyceryl rutinoside with high glycosylation/hydrolysis selectivity (99 % yield).

Keywords: Glycosylation/hydrolysis selectivity; Polyalcohols; Substrate specificity; Transglycosylation.

MeSH terms

  • Acremonium*
  • Glycerol
  • Hesperidin* / chemistry


  • Hesperidin
  • Glycerol