Purpose: Within a multi-institutional project, we aimed to assess the transferability of knowledge-based (KB) plan prediction models in the case of whole breast irradiation (WBI) for left-side breast irradiation with tangential fields (TF).
Methods: Eight institutions set KB models, following previously shared common criteria. Plan prediction performance was tested on 16 new patients (2 pts per centre) extracting dose-volume-histogram (DVH) prediction bands of heart, ipsilateral lung, contralateral lung and breast. The inter-institutional variability was quantified by the standard deviations (SDint) of predicted DVHs and mean-dose (Dmean). The transferability of models, for the heart and the ipsilateral lung, was evaluated by the range of geometric Principal Component (PC1) applicability of a model to test patients of the other 7 institutions.
Results: SDint of the DVH was 1.8 % and 1.6 % for the ipsilateral lung and the heart, respectively (20 %-80 % dose range); concerning Dmean, SDint was 0.9 Gy and 0.6 Gy for the ipsilateral lung and the heart, respectively (<0.2 Gy for contralateral organs). Mean predicted doses ranged between 4.3 and 5.9 Gy for the ipsilateral lung and 1.1-2.3 Gy for the heart. PC1 analysis suggested no relevant differences among models, except for one centre showing a systematic larger sparing of the heart, concomitant to a worse PTV coverage, due to high priority in sparing the left anterior descending coronary artery.
Conclusions: Results showed high transferability among models and low inter-institutional variability of 2% for plan prediction. These findings encourage the building of benchmark models in the case of TF-WBI.
Keywords: Breast cancer; Knowledge-based model; Multi-institutional plan prediction; Radiotherapy planning.
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