In neurodegenerative diseases, particularly in Parkinson's disease (PD), antinociceptive centers are often implicated in neurodegeneration, leading to persistent pain unresponsive to narcotic substances. This study investigated the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) and the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM), components of the brain's antinociceptive system. In conditions of rotenone intoxication (an experimental PD model), morphological changes in intracellular structures were observed in PAG and NRM neurons, indicating metabolic disorders characteristic of PD (alterations in the shape and size of neuronal bodies and processes, disruption of acid phosphatase activity in neuron cytoplasm). Under the influence of bacterial melanin and in combination with synoestrol, positive changes in structural properties were observed in PAG and NRM neurons compared to the rotenone model of PD. This included the preservation of the morphological characteristics typical of these brain regions, with cells exhibiting shapes and sizes close to normal. Furthermore, under the influence of these therapeutic agents, an increase in phosphatase activity in cell cytoplasm was detected, indicating an acceleration of metabolic processes (metabolic activation) disrupted by rotenone intoxication. The data obtained suggests that bacterial melanin and synoestrol may act as potential neuroprotective agents against PAG and NRM neurons in the rat brain in the rotenone model of PD. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanisms of action of therapeutic doses and propose their use in the treatment of PD, either in isolation or combination therapy.