Disability awareness and competency trainings are an important component of addressing ableism and health equity in the health promotion context. This commentary describes our process of developing, implementing, and refining a disability competency training, the Inclusive Community Exercise Training, for community-based group exercise instructors. The training originated from a partnership between academic researchers, community organizations, and individuals with disabilities. After initial pilot testing, we used feedback from participants to enhance the training. To optimize successful dissemination of this training, we utilized the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework, which is widely used in public health. The revision process focused on generalizing content to suit a wider audience, utilizing an eLearning platform for dissemination, and optimizing interactivity to improve learning effectiveness. The commentary emphasizes the lessons learned and the significance of systematic program revision, considering diverse expertise, content tailoring, and the benefits of accessible eLearning platforms.
Published by Elsevier Inc.