The objective is to study the clinico-demographic profile, treatment patterns and oncological outcomes in borderline mucinous tumours of the ovary. Retrospective cohort analysis was carried out between January 2017 and December 2019 for patients with a diagnosis of borderline mucinous tumours of the ovary who were treated at our centre. Kaplan-Meier method was used for the estimation of the probability of DFS and OS. Univariate and multivariate analyses based on the Cox proportional hazard model were performed to identify factors associated with DFS and OS. A p-value ≤ 0.05 in a two-tailed test was considered statistically significant. The study population included 75 patients and the median follow-up time for the entire cohort was 24 months. The 5-year DFS for the entire cohort was 79.6% and OS was 90.5%, whereas for stage I disease, 5-year OS was 92.6% as opposed to 60% in the advanced stage. On univariate analysis, only the stage of the disease had a significant association with DFS and OS. Fertility-preserving surgeries had no impact on OS or DFS, and hence, it is suggested that fertility-sparing surgeries may be considered a viable option in young patients with mucinous ovarian tumours. Borderline mucinous tumours of the ovary have excellent survival outcomes and fertility-sparing surgeries should be done whenever feasible.
Keywords: Appendicectomy; Fertility sparing surgery; Lymph node dissection; Mucinous tumours; Ovarian cystectomy.
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