A Virtual Case Presentation Platform: Protocol Study

Methods Protoc. 2024 Mar 8;7(2):23. doi: 10.3390/mps7020023.


Gaining practical experience is indispensable for medical students. Therefore, when medical students were prevented access to hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania, there was an urgent need to find a solution that would allow medical students to develop the skills they would usually develop in hospitals but without the need to be physically present in a hospital. This was the reason behind the idea of developing a Virtual Case Presentation Platform. The platform offers the possibility for medical students to reproduce virtually, in clinically valid scenarios, the diagnostic process and treatment recommendation, as well as the interactions with patients that usually take place in hospitals using natural language through speech and text. On the platform, the students receive valuable feedback from the professors about their performance. In order to reproduce the whole targeted experience for students, without missing anything, before starting the development of the platform, it was mandatory to identify and understand all the aspects that should be covered by the platform. The proposed platform covers the different aspects that have been identified for the diagnostic process and treatment recommendation. It enables medical students to develop essential skills for their future careers as doctors.

Keywords: e-learning; education in medical science; human-computer interaction; simulation engine; web interfaces.