Sarcopenia increases the risk of falls and fractures, as well as being related to various diseases and increased mortality. Different research groups propose different definitions that include the measurement of muscle mass by DXA and the assessment of hand grip strength through a hand dynamometer. However, these 2 instruments are not usually available in clinical practice. Our objective was to determine the diagnostic utility of 2 physical performance tests: gait speed and sit to stand test, as tools for the detection of patients with probable sarcopenia. A total of 706 women between 50 and 85 years of age were included and 376 of them completed the evaluation with the measurement of muscle mass. Anthropometric measurements were taken and physical performance was evaluated. We found that 26.1% registered a reduced gait speed while 55.3% presented alterations in performing the sit to stand test. The prevalence of sarcopenia ranged from 4.5% to 35% depending on the criteria used. Both tests showed a high negative predictive value (>70%) for the diagnosis of sarcopenia, while the sit to stand test also showed high sensitivity (>66%) for this diagnosis. We concluded that the implementation, in the clinical practice, of these easy and free tests would simplify the detection of patients with probable sarcopenia.
Introduction: Sarcopenia increases the risk of falls and fractures, as well as being related to various diseases and increased mortality. Different research groups propose different definitions that include the measurement of muscle mass by DXA and the assessment of hand grip strength through a hand dynamometer.
However, these 2 instruments are not usually available in clinical practice. Our objective was to determine the diagnostic utility of 2 physical performance tests: gait speed and sit to stand test, as tools for the detection of patients with probable sarcopenia. A total of 706 women between 50 and 85 years of age were included and 376 of them completed the evaluation with the measurement of muscle mass. Anthropometric measurements were taken and physical performance was evaluated. We found that 26.1% registered a reduced gait speed while 55.3% presented alterations in performing the sit to stand test. The prevalence of sarcopenia ranged from 4.5% to 35% depending on the criteria used. Both tests showed a high negative predictive value (>70%) for the diagnosis of sarcopenia, while the sit to stand test also showed high sensitivity (>66%) for this diagnosis. We concluded that the implementation, in the clinical practice, of these easy and free tests would simplify the detection of patients with probable sarcopenia.
La sarcopenia aumenta el riesgo de caídas y fracturas, además de relacionarse con diversas enfermedades y aumento de la mortalidad. Distintos grupos de investigación proponen diferentes definiciones para el diagnóstico de sarcopenia, que incluyen la medición de la masa muscular por DEXA y la valoración de la fuerza de prensión palmar a través de un dinamómetro de mano. Sin embargo, estos 2 instrumentos no están habitualmente disponibles en los consultorios médicos. Objetivos: Determinar la utilidad diagnóstica de 2 pruebas de rendimiento físico: velocidad de marcha e incorporarse de una silla, como herramientas para la detección de pacientes con probable sarcopenia. Metodología: Se incluyeron 706 mujeres, entre 50 y 85 años, a las que se realizó las pruebas funcionales y DXA (n=376) para medir la masa muscular. Resultados: El 26,1% registró una velocidad de marcha disminuida mientras que el 55,3% presentó alteración en la realización de la prueba de incorporarse de una silla. La prevalencia de sarcopenia varió desde un 4,5% hasta un 35% según los criterios utilizados. Ambas pruebas presentaron un alto valor predictivo negativo (>70%) para el diagnóstico de sarcopenia, mientras que la prueba de incorporarse de una silla mostró además, una alta sensibilidad (> 66%) para dicho diagnóstico. Conclusión: La implementación en el consultorio de estas pruebas sencillas y sin costo, simplificaría la detección de pacientes con probable sarcopenia.
Introdução: A sarcopenia aumenta o risco de quedas e fraturas, além de estar relacionada a diversas doenças e ao aumento da mortalidade. Diferentes grupos de pesquisa propõem diferentes definições para o diagnóstico da sarcopenia, que incluem a mensuração da massa muscular por DEXA e a avaliação da força de preensão palmar por meio de dinamômetro manual. No entanto, estes 2 instrumentos não estão normalmente disponíveis em consultórios médicos.
Objectivos: Determinar a utilidade diagnóstica de 2 testes de desempenho físico: velocidade da marcha e levantar-se da cadeira, como ferramentas para detecção de pacientes com provável sarcopenia.
Metodologia: Foram incluídas 706 mulheres, entre 50 e 85 anos, que realizaram testes funcionais e DXA (n=376) para mensuração de massa muscular.
Resultados: 26,1% registraram redução na velocidade da marcha enquanto 55,3% apresentaram alteração no desempenho do teste para levantar da cadeira. A prevalência de sarcopenia variou de 4,5% a 35% dependendo dos critérios utilizados. Ambos os testes apresentaram alto valor preditivo negativo (>70%) para o diagnóstico de sarcopenia, enquanto o teste de sentar na cadeira também apresentou alta sensibilidade (>66%) para esse diagnóstico.
Conclusão: A implementação em consultório destes testes simples e gratuitos simplificaria a detecção de pacientes com provável sarcopenia.
Keywords: sarcopenia; muscle strength; hand grip; muscle mass.