Diabetes mellitus (DM) is more common among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLWH) compared with healthy individuals. In a prospective multicenter study (N = 248), we identified normoglycemic (48.7%), prediabetic (44.4%), and diabetic (6.9%) PLWH. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fasting blood glucose (FBG) sensitivity in defining dysglycemia was 96.8%, while addition of oral glucose tolerance test led to reclassification of only 4 patients. Inclusion of 93 additional PLWH with known DM enabled identification of multiple independent predictors of dysglycemia or diabetes: older age, higher body mass index, Ethiopian origin, HIV duration, lower integrase inhibitor exposure, and advanced disease at diagnosis. Shotgun metagenomic microbiome analysis revealed 4 species that were significantly expanded with hyperglycemia/hyperinsulinemia, and 2 species that were differentially more prevalent in prediabetic/diabetic PLWH. Collectively, we uncover multiple potential host and microbiome predictors of altered glycemic status in PLWH, while demonstrating that FBG and HbA1c likely suffice for diabetes screening. These potential diabetic predictors merit future prospective validation.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS; microbiome; prediabetes; prediction and prevention; type 2 diabetes.
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