Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (White), is an invasive planthopper from China, which was first detected in Berks County, PA, in 2014 and has since spread to adjacent states including New Jersey in 2018. Lycorma delicatula is a polyphagous species that gregariously feeds on over 172 known hosts. We investigated development on key host plants Ailanthus altissima (Miller) (Sapindales: Simaroubaceae), Juglans nigra (L.) (Fagales: Juglandaceae), Acer rubrum (L.) (Sapindales: Sapindaceae), and Vitis vinifera (L.) (Vitales: Vitaceae) for each instar to elucidate potential host use throughout the season and target monitoring efforts. Our study indicated significant differences in survivorship and time spent in each nymphal life stage between host plants. We applied a host suitability index as a function of survivorship and development for each host plant and instar, which indicated A. altissima and J. nigra as suitable hosts for all 4 nymphal instars. Vitis vinifera was highly suitable for first and second instars but had low indices for the third and fourth instars, although suitability of V. vinifera may have varied based on variety and age of the vine. Lycorma delicatula nymphs had the lowest survivorship and longest development time on A. rubrum across all 4 life stages, despite this being a preferred oviposition host. Host had a significant effect on the morphometrics we measured within the first and second instars.
Keywords: Lycorma delicatula; grape; hardwood; invasive species; morphometrics.
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