Urban greening can improve cities' air quality by filtering the main gaseous pollutants such as tropospheric ozone (O3). However, the pollutant removal capacity offered by woody species strongly depends on eco-physiological and morphological traits. Woody species with higher stomatal conductance (gs) can remove more gases from the atmosphere, but other species can worsen air quality due to high O3 forming potential (OFP), based on their emitting rates of biogenic volatile organic compounds (bVOCs) and Leaf Mass per Area (LMA). Presently, there is a lack of data on eco-physiological (gs, bVOCs emissions) and foliar traits (LMA) for several ornamental species used in urban greening programs, which does not allow assessment of their O3 removal capacity and OFP. This study aimed to (i) parameterize gs, assess bVOCs emissions and LMA of 14 ornamental woody species commonly used in Mediterranean urban greening, and (ii) model their Net O3 uptake. The gs Jarvis model was parameterized considering various environmental conditions alongside isoprene and monoterpene foliar bVOCs emission rates trapped in the field and quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results are helpful for urban planning and landscaping; suggesting that Catalpa bignonioides and Gleditsia triacanthos have excellent O3 removal capacity due to their high maximum gs (gmax) equal to 0.657 and 0.597 mol H2O m-2 s-1. Regarding bVOCs, high isoprene (16.75 μg gdw-1 h-1) and monoterpene (13.12 μg gdw-1 h-1) emission rates were found for Rhamnus alaternus and Cornus mas. In contrast, no bVOCs emissions were detected for Camellia sasanqua and Paulownia tomentosa. In conclusion, 11 species showed a positive Net O3 uptake, while the use of large numbers of R. alaternus, C. mas, and Chamaerops humilis for urban afforestation planning are not recommended due to their potential to induce a deterioration of outdoor air quality.
Keywords: Air pollutants; Ornamental species; Ozone forming potential; Stomatal conductance; Urban forestry; bVOCs emissions.
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