Introduction: This study aims to examine how involvement in Greek life impacts the relationships between violence and STBs. Methods: This study utilizes data from the American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA) waves IIb, IIc, and III. Analyses examine the moderating effect of involvement in Greek life on the relationship between violence and presence of STBs in the past year. Results: Main effects revealed consistent patterns across violence types, STBs and waves, with Greek life membership associated with increased odds of experiencing violence and associated with decreased odds of suicidal ideation. The relationship between violence and suicide attempts was stronger for those involved in Greek life. Discussion: Greek life may be an institution where targeted interventions for suicide and violence may be effective. It may be important to identify additional avenues to reduce STBs that are not associated with increased experiences of violence.
Keywords: Greek life; Suicidal ideation; college students; intimate partner violence; sexual assault; suicide attempts; violence.