The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation sets the universality class for growing and roughening of nonequilibrium surfaces without any conservation law and nonlocal effects. We argue here that the KPZ equation can be generalized by including a symmetry-permitted nonlocal nonlinear term of active origin that is of the same order as the one included in the KPZ equation. Including this term, the 2D active KPZ equation is stable in some parameter regimes, in which the interface conformation fluctuations exhibit sublogarithmic or superlogarithmic roughness, with nonuniversal exponents, giving positional generalized quasi-long-ranged order. For other parameter choices, the model is unstable, suggesting a perturbatively inaccessible algebraically rough interface or positional short-ranged order. Our model should serve as a paradigmatic nonlocal growth equation.