Traditional definitions of polypharmacy may largely not account for the market proliferation of herbal and dietary supplements, cannabis products, or incorporate the new science of pharmacogenomics (PGx). Polypharmacy is encountered by most pharmacists providing patient care in many settings. The "polypharmacist" can assist patients and providers with solving medication-related problems (MRPs) in this new and challenging environment of supplements and cannabis products by utilizing traditional pharmacology and pharmacokinetic principles, including PGx, broadly across many medical disciplines. One may encounter polypharmacy more in the geriatric population, though in an age of supplements and cannabis proliferation, polypharmacy is increasingly being encountered at younger ages. Not only is polypharmacy training at best fragmented in pharmacy curricula, but it may also not account for the above-mentioned products that may use the same metabolic pathways to increase drug interactions and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) regarding prescription medications. Polypharmacy being more formally prioritized in pharmacist training may better prepare pharmacists for commonly encountered polypharmacy and can be a viable model of practice.