Background: Delivering difficult news to families is an essential but challenging skill. Pediatric trainees report limited confidence in this skill and perform poorly in simulation. We implemented the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Resilience Curriculum and evaluated performance and self-efficacy in delivering difficult news.
Methods: The AAP Resilience Curriculum, using the SPIKES (Set-up, Perception, Invitation, Knowledge, Empathy, and Summary) framework, was taught to pediatric fellows. Fellows' performance during simulations with standardized patients before and after curriculum implementation was scored with a SPIKES checklist. Pre- and post-test surveys assessed self-efficacy in delivering difficult news.
Results: Fellows (n=19) significantly improved their performance in delivering difficult news, increasing the median SPIKES checklist scores from 78% to 90% completion (P<0.001). Pediatric fellows (n=35) reported improved confidence from 3.4/5 to 3.9 (P=0.01).
Conclusions: Pediatric fellows demonstrated significant improvement in their ability to deliver difficult news during a simulated patient encounter and reported increased self-efficacy in delivering difficult news.
Keywords: difficult news; medical education; pediatric fellows; simulation; standardized patients.