Background: Post-transfusion survival of donor red blood cells (RBCs) is important for effective chronic transfusion therapy in conditions including sickle cell disease (SCD). Biotin labeling RBCs allows direct in vivo measurement of multiple donor RBC units simultaneously post-transfusion.
Study design and methods: In an observational trial of patients with SCD receiving monthly chronic transfusion therapy, aliquots of RBCs from one transfusion episode were biotin-labeled and infused along with the unlabeled RBC units. Serial blood samples were obtained to measure RBC survival. Donor units were tested for RBC indices, hemoglobin fractionation, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme activity. For microcytic donor RBCs (MCV < 70 fL), HBA1 and HBA2 genetic testing was performed on whole blood.
Results: We present one recipient, a pediatric patient with SCD and splenectomy who received two RBC units with aliquots from each unit labeled at distinct biotin densities (2 and 18 μg/mL biotin). One donor unit was identified to have microcytosis (MCV 68.5 fL after biotinylation); whole blood sample obtained at a subsequent donation showed 2-gene deletion alpha-thalassemia trait (ɑ-3.7kb/ɑ-3.7kb) and normal serum ferritin. G6PD activity was >60% of normal mean for both. The RBCs with alpha-thalassemia RBC had accelerated clearance and increased surface phosphatidylserine post-transfusion, as compared with the normocytic RBC (half life 65 vs. 86 days, respectively).
Discussion: Post-transfusion RBC survival may be lower for units from donors with alpha-thalassemia trait, although the impact of thalassemia trait donors on transfusion efficacy requires further study.
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