1 Global Nutrition Healthcare Council (GNHC) Mission-COVID, Yorba Linda, CA, USA. [email protected].
2 N-terminus Research Laboratory, 232659 Via del Rio, Yorba Linda, CA, 92887, USA. [email protected].
3 Global Nutrition Healthcare Council (GNHC) Mission-COVID, Yorba Linda, CA, USA.
4 School of Nutrition, Chung Shan Medical University, 110, Section 1, Jianguo North Road, Taichung, 40201, Taiwan.
5 College of Food and Bioengineering, Fujian Polytechnic Normal University, No.1, Campus New Village, Longjiang Street, Fuqing City, Fujian, China.
6 President-Emeritus, Parker University, 2540 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, TX, 75229, USA.
7 University of Southern California, Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy/D. K. Kim International Center for Regulatory & Quality Sciences, 1540 Alcazar St.,CHP 140, Los Angeles, CA90089, USA.
8 International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), Guelph, ON, Canada.
9 IPMI International Business School Jakarta; South East Asian Food and Agriculture Science and Technology, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia.
10 Department of Chinese Medicine, Taichung Hospital, Ministry of Health &Well-being, Taichung, Taiwan.
11 Department of Family and Community Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital; School of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.
12 President, Italian Association of Food Technology (AITA), Milan, Italy.
13 Experimental Station for the Food Preserving Industry, Department of Consumer Science, Viale Tanara 31/a, I-43121, Parma, Italy.
14 Soukya International Holistic Health Center, Whitefield, Bengaluru, India.
15 N-terminus Research Laboratory, 232659 Via del Rio, Yorba Linda, CA, 92887, USA.