Background and hypothesis: Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) are prevalent in the general population and, because they represent a lower end of the psychosis vulnerability spectrum, may be useful in informing mechanistic understanding. Although it is well-understood that motor signs characterize formal psychotic disorders, the developmental trajectory of these features and their relationships with PLEs are less well-understood.
Study design: Data from 7559 adolescents and young adults (age 11-21) in the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort were used to investigate whether early-life milestone-attainment delays relate to current adolescent sensorimotor functioning and positive and negative PLEs. Current sensorimotor functioning was assessed using the Computerized Finger Tapping task (assessing motor slowing) and Mouse Practice task (assessing sensorimotor planning).
Study results: Early developmental abnormalities were related to current adolescent-aged motor slowing (t(7415.3) = -7.74, corrected-P < .001) and impaired sensorimotor planning (t(7502.5) = 5.57, corrected-P < .001). There was a significant interaction between developmental delays and current sensorimotor functioning on positive and negative PLEs (t = 1.67-4.51), such that individuals with early developmental delays had a stronger positive relationship between sensorimotor dysfunction and PLEs. Importantly, interaction models were significantly better at explaining current PLEs than those treating early and current sensorimotor dysfunction independently (χ2 = 4.89-20.34).
Conclusions: These findings suggest a relationship between early developmental delays and current sensorimotor functioning in psychosis proneness and inform an understanding of heterotypic continuity as well as a neurodevelopmental perspective of motor circuits. Furthermore, results indicate that motor signs are a clear factor in the psychosis continuum, suggesting that they may represent a core feature of psychosis vulnerability.
Keywords: motor system pathology; neurodevelopment; psychosis vulnerability.
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