Work-related quality of life in professionals involved in pediatric palliative care: a repeated cross-sectional comparative effectiveness study

Palliat Care Soc Pract. 2024 May 9:18:26323524241247857. doi: 10.1177/26323524241247857. eCollection 2024.


Background: Working in pediatric palliative care (PPC) impacts healthcare and allied professionals' work-related quality of life (QoL). Professionals who lack specific PPC training but who regularly provide services to the affected children have articulated their need for support from specialized PPC (SPPC) teams.

Objectives: This study had two objectives: (1) to evaluate whether the availability of a SPPC team impacted the work-related QoL of professionals not specialized in PPC; and (2) to explore the work-related QoL of professionals working in PPC without specialized training.

Design: Repeated cross-sectional comparative effectiveness design.

Methods: One hospital with an established SPPC program and affiliated institutions provided the intervention group (IG). Three hospitals and affiliated institutions where generalist PPC was offered provided the comparison group (CG). Data were collected by paper-pencil questionnaire in 2021 and 2022. The Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL 5) questionnaire was used to assess work-related QoL, yielding separate scores for burnout (BO), secondary traumatic stress (STS) and compassion satisfaction (CS). A descriptive statistical analysis was performed and general estimation equations were modelled. To increase the comparability of the IG and CG, participants were matched by propensity scores.

Results: The 301 participating non-PPC-specialized professionals had overall low to moderate levels of BO and STS and moderate to high levels of CS. However, none of these scores (BO: p = 0.36; STS: p = 0.20; CS: p = 0.65) correlated significantly with support from an SPPC team. Compared to nurses, physicians showed higher levels of BO (1.70; p = 0.02) and STS (2.69; p ⩽ 0.001).

Conclusion: Although the study sample's overall work-related QoL was satisfactory, it showed a considerable proportion of moderate BO and STS, as well as moderate CS. To provide tailored support to professionals working in PPC, evidence regarding key SPPC support elements and their effectiveness is needed.

Trial registration: ID, NCT04236180.

Keywords: compassion fatigue; compassion satisfaction; health personnel; palliative care; pediatrics; quality of life.

Plain language summary

Work-related quality of life in professionals involved in pediatric palliative care - Why was this study done? Caring for children suffering from life-limiting conditions and their families impacts professionals’ work-related Quality of Life (QoL). Professionals without specific training often provide pediatric palliative care (PPC) to children and their families. - What did the researchers do? We aimed to determine whether the work-related the QoL of professionals without specialised PPC training would be positively influenced when they were supported by PPC specialists. We also wanted to explore what person-specific factors might correspond with higher or lower work-related QoL. Work-related QoL was analysed in relation to burnout (BO), secondary traumatic stress (STS), and compassion satisfaction (CS). These variables’ levels were assessed with a questionnaire survey in 2021 and 2022. - What did the researchers find? The 301 participating professionals had overall low to moderate levels of BO and STS and moderate to high levels of CS. There was no substantial difference in work-related QoL in the professionals supported by PPC specialists compared to those who did not receive specialist support. Physicians showed higher levels of BO and STS than nurses. - What do the findings mean? Although the studied professionals’ overall work-related QoL was satisfactory, there is a considerable proportion of moderate BO and STS scores in professionals working with children suffering from life-limiting conditions. Further research should explore the specific needs of professionals not specialised in PPC.

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