Objectives: The epidemiology of medication discrepancies during transitions from post-acute care (PAC) to home is poorly described. We sought to describe the frequency and types of medication discrepancies among hospitalized older adults transitioning from PAC to home.
Design: A nested cohort analysis.
Setting and participants: Included participants enrolled in a patient-centered deprescribing trial, for patients (aged ≥50 years and taking at least 5 medications) transitioning from one of 22 PACs to home.
Methods: We assessed demographic and medication measures at the initial hospitalization. The primary outcome measure was medication discrepancies, with the PAC discharge list serving as reference for comparison to the participant's self-reported medication list at 7 days following PAC discharge. Discrepancies were categorized as additions, omissions, and dose discrepancies and were organized by common medication classes and risk of harm (eg, 2015 Beers Criteria). Ordinal logistic regression assessed for patient risk factors for PAC discharge discrepancy count.
Results: A total of 184 participants had 7-day PAC discharge medication data. Participants were predominately female (67%) and Caucasian (83%) with a median of 16 prehospital medications [interquartile range (IQR) 11, 20]. At the 7-day follow-up, 98% of participants had at least 1 medication discrepancy, with a median number of 7 medication discrepancies (IQR 4, 10) per person, 4 (IQR 2, 6) of which were potentially inappropriate medications as defined by the Beers Criteria. Higher medication discrepancies at index hospital admission and receipt of caregiver assistance with medications were 2 key predictors of medication discrepancies in the week after PAC discharge to home.
Conclusions and implications: Older patients transitioning home from a PAC facility are at high risk for medication discrepancies. This study underscores the need for interventions targeted at this overlooked transition period, especially as patients resume responsibility for managing their own medications after both a hospital and PAC stay.
Keywords: Medication reconciliation; medication errors; polypharmacy; transition of care.
Published by Elsevier Inc.