An observational methodology system has been designed which allows the observation and analysis of the technical-tactical behaviour and interaction of judokas during competition. The observation instrument (JUTACTIC) is composed of 8 fixed criteria that provide information related to the competition and the competitors and 13 variable criteria that, throughout the intrasessional monitoring of each combat, allow the behaviour displayed by both judokas and their interaction to be recorded. From an observational sample consisting of matches from the Rio 2016 Olympic champions and the corresponding samples made using the LINCE PLUS software, evidence of validity, reliability, generalizability and applicability of the observation system is provided. The content validity of the observation instrument has been endorsed by a panel of experts (n = 11). Intra and inter-observer reliability has been guaranteed from the results obtained in the Fleiss Kappa and the Krippendorff Alpha. The generalizability analysis with the design structure [Category] [Participants] / [Matches] has confirmed that around seven matches are needed to accurately analyse the behaviour of the competitor under study. The practical application possibilities of the observation instrument has been shown with an example of the results obtained and the regular behaviour structures detected (T-patterns) using the THEME software.
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