Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity against HBs antigen (HBsAg)-coated autologous mononuclear cells as target cells was examined in hepatitis B virus infection. Target cells were prepared by coincubation of mononuclear cells with purified HBsAg in 0.5 mM CrCl3. The distribution and uniformity amounts of HBsAg on target cells was shown by immune fluorescence and by analyzing the fluorescence intensity with a fluorescent activated cell sorter. CTL activity was detected in 7 of 9 patients with acute hepatitis type B, in 4 of 11 chronic active hepatitis type B, in none of 8 healthy HBsAg carriers, and in none of 22 healthy volunteers. The antigen specificity of the cytotoxicity was confirmed by a blocking experiment with purified HBsAg and by cold target inhibition with HBsAg or bovine serum albumin (irrelevant antigen) coupled cold target cells. CTL lysed HBsAg coupled allogeneic target cells that shared HLA-A or B locus antigens. This finding suggests that HLA restriction may be involved in the killing mechanism. This HBsAg specific CTL clone may participate in the immunopathogenesis of hepatitis B virus infection.