Intracranial subdural empyema is a loculated collection of pus in the subdural space between the dura mater and the arachnoid that can be life-threatening. Here, we present a case of a 22-year-old man hospitalized for management of sepsis due to right orbital cellulitis who experienced sudden-onset right-sided hemiplegia and was found to have a holohemispheric intracranial subdural empyema requiring emergent neurosurgical intervention. Subdural empyemas are commonly caused by maxillofacial infections, including orbital infections. We demonstrate that orbital cellulitis may cause an intracranial subdural empyema that can present with sudden-onset neurological deficits warranting prompt neurosurgical intervention.
Keywords: empyema; infection; neurosurgery; orbital cellulitis; subdural empyema.
Copyright © 2024, Abou-El-Hassan et al.