Simple Mechanism for the Observed Breakdown of the Nernst-Einstein Relation for Ions in Carbon Nanotubes

Phys Rev Lett. 2024 May 10;132(19):194001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.194001.


In this Letter, we present a simple mechanism that explains the recent experimental observation of the breakdown of the Nernst-Einstein (NE) relation for an ion moving in a carbon nanotube of subnanometer diameter. We argue that the friction acting on the ion is largely independent of the ion velocity, i.e., dry friction, and demonstrate, based on the Langevin equation for a particle subject to both dry and viscous friction, that the NE relation is violated when dry friction dominates. We predict that the ratio of the diffusion constant to the mobility of the ion is a few orders of magnitude smaller than the value predicted by the NE relation, in quantitative agreement with experiment.