Autonomous Stabilization of Fock States in an Oscillator against Multiphoton Losses

Phys Rev Lett. 2024 May 17;132(20):203602. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.203602.


Fock states with a well-defined number of photons in an oscillator have shown a wide range of applications in quantum information science. Nonetheless, their usefulness has been marred by single and multiphoton losses due to unavoidable environment-induced dissipation. Though several dissipation engineering methods have been developed to counteract the leading single-photon-loss error, averting multiple-photon losses remains elusive. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a dissipation engineering method that autonomously stabilizes multiphoton Fock states against losses of multiple photons using a cascaded selective photon-addition operation in a superconducting quantum circuit. Through measuring the photon-number populations and Wigner tomography of the oscillator states, we observe a prolonged preservation of nonclassical Wigner negativities for the stabilized Fock states |N⟩ with N=1, 2, 3 for a duration of about 10 ms. Furthermore, the dissipation engineering method demonstrated here also facilitates the implementation of a nonunitary operation for resetting a binomially encoded logical qubit. These results highlight potential applications in error-correctable quantum information processing against multiple-photon-loss errors.