Background: Neurocognition can be severely affected in pediatric brain tumor survivors. We analyzed the association of cognitive functioning with radiotherapy dose, postoperative cerebellar mutism syndrome (pCMS), hydrocephalus, intraventricular methotrexate (MTX) application, tumor localization, and biology in pediatric survivors of a posterior fossa tumor.
Methods: Subdomain-specific neurocognitive outcome data from 279 relapse-free survivors of the HIT-2000 trial (241 medulloblastoma and 38 infratentorial ependymoma) using the Neuropsychological Basic Diagnostic tool based on Cattell-Horn-Carroll's model for intelligence were analyzed.
Results: Cognitive performance 5.14 years (mean; range = 1.52-13.02) after diagnosis was significantly below normal for all subtests. Processing speed and psychomotor abilities were most affected. Influencing factors were domain-specific: CSI-dose had a strong impact on most subtests. pCMS was associated with psychomotor abilities (β = -0.25 to -0.16) and processing speed (β = -0.32). Postoperative hydrocephalus correlated with crystallized intelligence (β = -0.20) and short-term memory (β = -0.15), age with crystallized intelligence (β = 0.15) and psychomotor abilities (β = -0.16 and β = -0.17). Scores for fluid intelligence (β = -0.23), short-term memory (β = -0.17) and visual processing (β = -0.25) declined, and scores for selective attention improved (β = 0.29) with time after diagnosis.
Conclusions: The dose of CSI was strongly associated with neurocognitive outcomes. Low psychomotor abilities and processing speed both in patients treated with and without CSI suggest a strong contribution of the tumor and its surgery on these functions. Future research therefore should analyze strategies to both reduce CSI dose and toxicity caused by other treatment modalities.
Keywords: ependymoma; infant; medulloblastoma; neuropsychological late effects; quality of survival.
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